Payment Methods
All payments are processed through PayPal. Please check their site for information on which cards are accepted.
Canceled Order
If after you place your order you decide to cancel your order, we will gladly do so ONLY if the order has not been shipped.
No Returns
All sales are final, no returns will be accepted.
Damaged Shipments
See Well is not liable for damage or loss of merchandise after it leaves our premises. If shipment shows evidence of damage, the package must be opened before signing the delivery receipt. If damage or loss is evident, it must be noted on the carriers’ delivery sheet. Save the box & all packaging. File a claim with the carrier and notify us. Please contact us if you have any questions or need help filing the claim.
Sales Tax Information
If required by law, See Well will add sales tax to the order to be paid by the customer. Applicable sales tax will be charged on all orders to be delivered in the State of IL. If you are TAX-EXEMPT, send us your tax exemption form for us to keep on file.
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